What to Do If Your Baby Doesn't Like a New Food

Introducing new foods to your baby is an exciting milestone, but it doesn't always go smoothly. If your little one turns up their nose at a new food, don't worry—a little patience and creativity can make all the difference. Here’s how, with tips and tricks from Nicole Lattanzio, RD, CSP, IBCLC.
Be Patient and Keep Trying
Don't give up after just one attempt at a new food. Babies often need to be exposed to a new food 10–15 times before they accept it. Keep offering the food regularly, even if they initially refuse it. When presenting it again, try pairing it with something you know they already like. And remember: persistence is key! "New foods can be scary for babies because they involve new textures, tastes, and smells," says Lattanzio. "Don't force it if they clearly hate it, but keep putting it on their plate and letting them explore it at their own pace."
Make It Fun
Babies are much more likely to try a new food if you make it a playful, engaging experience. Sit with them and offer it yourself, rather than just putting it on their tray. Make silly noises as you bring the spoon to their mouth. Turn it into a fun bonding activity, rather than a chore. You can also try serving the food cut into fun shapes with cookie cutters or arranged into a smiley face. The more you can get your baby excited about a new food, the better their response may be!
Alter the Texture
If your baby is rejecting a food, try changing up the texture. For example, if they won't eat steamed broccoli florets, try mixing some blended broccoli into their favorite pasta sauce or omelet. Introducing the flavor in a new form can help them get accustomed to it. "Don't be afraid to get creative," Lattanzio advises. "[Adding] veggies into otherwise familiar foods is a great way to expose your baby's palate." O’Farm’s ready-to-cook Meal Starters can easily do the trick, packing fruits and veggies into every delicious bite.
Don't Stress Over Rejection
If you've tried persistently with no success, remember that it's okay if your baby just doesn't like a certain food. They don't need to enjoy everything! Focus your energy on continuing to expose them to a wide variety of healthy options—their preferences will likely change as they grow. Stay positive in your approach and find ways to make mealtimes playful and happy. Don't force it, but continue providing plenty of opportunities to try new tastes and textures!
Baby Food Favorites
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