
Intro to Once Upon a Farm Baby Finger Foods


Introducing your baby to solid foods is a monumental moment in their early development. It’s a time filled with curiosity, anticipation, and a desire to nurture your little one’s growing appetite. At Once Upon a Farm, we understand the importance of these first bites, and that’s why we’ve created our Plant-Rich Meals—the perfect finger foods for babies. From our commitment to variety to the sheer convenience they offer parents, here are a few reasons why they’re an ideal choice for your kiddo.

A Bounty of 45 Ingredients

Diversity is at the heart of a healthy diet, even for our youngest eaters. Our Plant-Rich Meals offer a vast selection of 45 different ingredients, each carefully chosen to help expand your baby's palate. From the vivid colors of fresh fruits and vegetables to the comforting textures of whole grains and legumes, our meals provide a sensory-rich experience that will satiate your baby’s appetite and expand their palate.

A Mix of Colors, Textures, and Flavors

At O'Farm, we take pride in crafting culinary delights for your little one. Our team is made up of culinary artists, masterfully combining colors, textures, and flavors to create unique and delightful combinations. From the sweetness of ripe mangoes to the earthy richness of quinoa, every bite is a sensory adventure for your baby. These creative pairings are designed not only to tantalize their taste buds but also to foster a lifelong love for wholesome foods.

The Ultimate in Convenience

Parenting is a whirlwind of responsibility, and we understand that you need convenient solutions to make life a little easier. Our Plant-Rich Meals are your answer. Say goodbye to time-consuming chopping, peeling, and meal prep. Our meals are ready in minutes, allowing you to savor those precious moments with your baby instead of being tied to the kitchen. With O'Farm, you can have peace of mind knowing your baby is enjoying nutritious, crafted-with-love meals.

But the convenience doesn't stop there. Our finger foods are perfectly portioned to make mealtime effortless and enjoyable. Find select meals in the freezer at Sprouts, Whole Foods, and Super Target stores, or customize a subscription to try our full assortment!


Try a Meals Variety Pack