How to Modify Your O'Farm Subscription
Looking to cancel your O'Farm subscription? Here's how.
How To Modify or Cancel Your Subscription:
Start by logging in to your online customer portal. To do so, click on the icon in the top right corner that is shaped like a person or log in here. If you receive a message that your email is not recognized, please contact and we'll provide you with an account activation link.
Scroll to the bottom of the page on the first screen that appears
a. The page headers are Your Account > Order History and Manage My Subscriptions -
Click "Manage My Subscriptions"
Your subscription(s) will appear
Click "Manage" on the subscription you would like to update/modify
Your subscription will appear with options to skip, edit, pause, or cancel
To cancel, scroll to the bottom and click, "Cancel subscription". This will cancel all future orders as of that date/time.
Select your reason for cancelation.
Click "Continue" to process cancelation or view other options.
Click "Confirm Cancelation"
Please note: Orders charge after midnight on the morning of the charge date. Any changes made will be effective on the following order, not a recently charged order.
We’re sad to see you go! If you change your mind and want organic snacks & meals delivered straight to your door, it’s easy to reactivate anytime.
If you have any questions about your subscription, reach out to our Customer Care team at