
10 O'Farm Parents Share Their Best Tips on Introducing Solid Foods


“Starting solids is easy,” said absolutely no parent ever. Going from the consistency of breastmilk or formula to the endless variety of flavors, textures, and smells of solid foods can be quite the adventure (for babies and their parents).

To help new parents navigate this big transition, we sought advice directly from the O’Farm community—including our team members and Farmbassdors—on introducing solid foods. Here are some of their words of encouragement (and caution!).

1. Don’t Stress About Mess

“It will be messy, but try not to let that stress you out!”
—Kristin, Mom to Hayes (2.5) & Maeve (4 months)
“It will be SO MESSY—worth it. Let them explore!”
—Charlotte, Mom to Michael (18 months)

O’Farm Tip: Mess is just a part of the learning process! As your little one builds confidence with eating, develops fine motor skills, and starts to accept more foods, things are gonna get messy. We love silicone floor mats and bibs for easy cleanup.

2. Presentation is Everything

“It’s all about how food is offered! How the meal is cut up and placed on the plate really helps with my little guys. Or the type of spoon-ware provided, etc. I have had the most luck when I offer finger foods opposed to food they need to be spoon fed. They all want to be independent. 🥰”
—Emma, Mom to Jaxen (4) & Cole (2)

O’Farm Tip: Our new Plant-Rich Meals make great finger foods for little hands!  

3. Try It Yourself

“Taste your baby’s food and let them see you enjoying it! Since babies are just tiny versions of adults, they are likely to enjoy what we enjoy! Baby food won’t have the sugar or salt that we’re accustomed to, but the flavor of the food should still taste and smell good to you. If something isn’t appealing to you, it probably won’t appeal to baby either.”
—Lee, Mom to Kendall (24) Chandler (20) Garlen (13) & Zion (10)

O’Farm Tip: Our pouches & meals have all been taste-tested (and approved) by adults. And let’s just say it’s not uncommon for at least one person on our team to be snacking on one during a meeting!

4. Slow & Steady

“Don’t be scared! Start slowly and introduce lots of yummy, healthy foods for baby to experience it all!”
—Deann, Mom to Emory (2) & Milo (1)

“We do a slow transition from formula to milk, adding a little bit at a time to ease the tummy in! For solid food, a little bit at a time!! To get the tummy used to it.”
—Kelly, Mom to Collin (11 months)

5. Purées & Patience

“Start with purées and pouches!”
—Samantha, Mom to Mark & Micah (3-year-old twins)
“Start with purées and be patient.”
—Aline, Mom to Anthony (2)

O'Farm Tip: Here are some recommendations for starting with purées for baby-led weaning.

6. Experiment a Lot

“I would tell a new mom to start off slow and do what she is comfortable with. Do research and look into baby-led weaning in comparison to purées. It's ok to experiment until she’s fully comfortable. Offer baby a wide variety of foods and textures.”
—Leteshia, Mom to Ronnie (5) & Austin (2)

O’Farm Tip: If it isn’t love at first bite, don’t rule that food out just yet! It can take babies trying a new food as many as 10–15 times before they develop a taste for it. Repeated exposure early on can help reduce picky eating as they get older!

7. Gradually Increase Amounts & Variety

“I would suggest introducing your baby gradually to solid foods. Once they accept them—which, depending on the baby, could take a little while—you can continue to also give milk as often as before and add solids as your baby's appetite increases. I would say a few bites once or twice a day is enough in the beginning, but make sure you keep increasing the amount! It’s never easy, but you got this, mama!”
—Rachel, Mom to Savannah (3) & Landon (almost 1)

8. Celebrate the Wins Along the Way

“It is nerve-wracking at first, but, just like your little one, you have to grow and try new things out as a mom. Our first big wins were avocados, mashed sweet potatoes/beans (cooked)/banana.”
—Charlotte, Mom to Michael (18 months)

9. Get Creative

“We began to get creative with our own blends inspired by Once Upon a Farm flavors and progressively made them more and more chunky until he was basically eating the entire food product.”
—Charlotte, Mom to Michael (18 months)

O’Farm Tip: This is exactly what our Plant-Rich Meals are designed for! They can be prepared 4 different ways—puréed, mashed, served as finger food, or incorporated into a recipe—as your little one and their taste buds grow. Read our blog for more info!

10. Make It Fun

“I would also say #1 thing when starting is to make it fun!”
—Emma, Mom to Jaxen (4) & Cole (2)

O’Farm Tip: One of the best ways to raise a confident, adventurous, non-picky eater is to make eating a memorable, enjoyable experience. Try playing your baby’s favorite music during mealtime, finding a bib or bowl with their favorite cartoon character on it, or eating alongside them to make it a special moment.

Discover Our Cold-Pressed Blends & Plant-Rich Meals for Babies